Our Impact

People living with ALS and their families come first in everything we do, and everything we do supports the search for effective treatments and cures for ALS. See below for a quick snapshot of some of our accomplishments thanks to donor support! 


People with ALS and their Families Served

Care Services Successes

Your advocacy and contributions made a tangible difference through the years, empowering people with ALS and families to remain active, connected, and engaged. Over the past few years we refined our virtual suite of care services, offering optimal flexibility for the people we serve – while adding new ones.

Educational Events

Through the years, families in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming have attended our Educational Events. While in the past few years we were unable to gather everyone together in person, it was important to the the Care Services team that we continue to provide our educational resources to the ALS community through the virtual world. This ensured that the ALS community remained up-to-date on all that is taking place in the ALS landscape, and have the tools that people living with ALS and their families need at their disposal.


Education Participants


Pieces of Equipment Delivered

Equipment Loans

We provide a variety of medical equipment free of charge to help individuals adapt incrementally to their ALS progression, maintain their independence and remain an integral part of their community. 

Research Advancements

Our collaborative and global approach to funding research continues to lead to significant discoveries by top ALS scientists around the world. Even in the face of the continued pandemic, our efforts did not slow. 



Invested in ALS Research


Will be invested over 5 years for ALS research

Advocacy Wins

While the pandemic continued throughout 2021, your advocacy for those living with ALS produced some incredible wins, both on the federal and state level. Accelerating Access to Critical Therapies for ALS Act - Thanks to the incredible advocacy of the ALS community, the Accelerating Access to Critical Therapies (ACT) for ALS Act passed Congress and was signed into law by President Biden on December 23, 2021. This act authorizes $100M over five years for ALS research and creates the first federal entity explicitly charged with developing treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. Specifically, the bill would create a new:

  • Framework for delivering experimental therapies to people with ALS
  • Research grant program at the FDA for rare neurodegenerative diseases
  • Collaborative for Rare Neurodegenerative Diseases at the Department of Health and Human

Services (HHS) to coordinate federal efforts on developing and approving treatments and cures.

Where Do Your Donations Go Each Year?

82 Cents of Every Dollar Raised Goes to Our Programs


People attended support group meetings


Active research projects worldwide


ALS Clinic appointments through one of our 5 multifisciplinary centers


Care Consultations providing comprehensive information about ALS disease progression, equipment needs, home modifications, referrals for services in their local community and more. 


Pieces of equipment such as power wheelchairs, ramps, hospital beds, patient lifts, communication devices, walkers and shower chairs.Â